November 15th, 2017
2017 Trucking Perspectives
Inbound Logistics' exclusive annual trucking market research report delivers shipper and trucker insights into industry challenges and trends.

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Unlocking IoT's Value Across the Cold Chain
Internet of Things presents a range of opportunities for cold chain logistics to gain efficiencies. Jeff Brown of Dell EMC OEM Solutions offers these four key steps to implementing the IoT across the cold chain.
Recruiting Supply Chain Talent
New technologies, consumer demands, and the rise of the mobile workforce are shifting the business landscape quickly, and specialized supply chain and logistics workers are more valuable than ever. Use these tips to plan and attract the industry’s future leaders.
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Collaborative Supplier Management: The Key to Beating Holiday Fever
Retailers need to make sure their e-commerce strategy is letting them capitalize on consumers’ growing appetite for seasonal items. Kristian O'Meara of BravoSolution explains how supply chain teams can work together with their stakeholders to make the most of the holidays.
Podcast: Can Too Much Visibility Put Your Supply Chain in a Blind Spot?
The ability to consolidate, normalize, and predictively analyze data can help companies attain actionable visibility beyond just the shipment leg of their business. Vin Ramundo, solutions consultant for Amber Road, offers to help you sort through the data and stay above water.
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Warehouse Upgrade: Of Boxes and Briefs
To prepare for the holiday rush, apparel retailer MeUndies is adopting a more automated, efficient system to provide better tracking, quality control, and more efficient labor usage.
How Supply Chain Managers Can Use Artificial Intelligence
With more and more companies hopping on the AI bandwagon, the technology will affect supply chain planning across industries. Yves Leclerc and Tom Racciatti of West Monroe Partners list the verticals that have the most to gain and explain how supply chain managers can make smarter AI decisions.
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