What does it take to move an army? From artillery to vehicles to kitchen facilities and provisions, military logisticians handle it all—often in extreme settings and circumstances.
The scope and scale of military operations provide its officers with logistics experiences not found anywhere else. Through this type of intense and unique military experience, veterans gain leadership skills and knowledge that help them excel in their civilian roles. Here's a look at some current and former operatives in the military supply chain.
Can you really model best practices from the military? After all, they invented the acronym SNAFU. But companies are finding veterans' experience and skills help promote ship-shape supply chains. Read online…
Meet the man tasked with moving the U.S. military from Iraq to Afghanistan: Brigadier General John O'Connor, director of logistics, Third Army, and commanding general of the Army Materiel Command. Read online…
Fred Clark puts his experience as an Army logistician to good use as director of support services at Kingfisher, Okla., Regional Hospital. Read online…
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