Earn a degree without quitting your job? Online supply chain management and logistics programs make it possible, no matter where in the world you are. Read full article…
The success of U.S. agriculture depends on a functional transportation and logistics network that combines efficiencies and economies across all modes. Read full article…
When negotiating logistics service provider contracts, shippers should ensure they are clear on payment terms and special conditions. Read full article…
A new app allows Australian McDonald's customers to tap into the company's supply chain data to pinpoint the exact source of meat and other ingredients. Read full article…
Production logistics can increase an operation's efficiencies and save money by creating the right blend of technology, equipment, and disciplined processes to ensure materials get where they are needed to keep production flowing. Read full article…
This article, available exclusively on InboundLogistics.com, outlines how monitoring the pallet-level temperature of fresh, frozen, and packaged foods allows shippers and carriers to manage product quality and safety. Read full article…
Visit with three supply chain professionals who were featured in past Reader Profile columns, and find out what they're up to these days. Read full article…
The American Society of Transportation and Logistics is seeking prospective candidates willing and able to volunteer on the ASTL Board of Directors or a committee. Contact Laurie Hein Denham or visit the website for a list of current board members and committee descriptions.
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