JULY 2008
Attention Digital Issue

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Need help choosing an airfreight forwarder? Relax, and turn to Inbound Logistics' Airfreight Forwarders Decision Support Tool.
It's a quick, easy, free way to locate forwarders that offer the specific services you need to meet your airfreight challenges. Click here to get started.

3PL Decision Support Tool
Attention! Looking for a great new 3PL partner? Let Inbound Logistics help you find your perfect match. Use our free, online 3PL Decision Support tool. Click here

Find new partners.
Click Here to make your selection from the leading companies profiled in the 2008 Logistics Planner.


Are you interested in upgrading and improving your logistics and supply chain skills? Contact leading universities and professional institutions for the information you need to prepare for the future.
Click here!

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Exclusive Research: Airfreight Forwarder Perspectives 2008
The results of our Airfreight Forwarder Market Insight Survey provide an up-close look at the industry and how intermediaries are expanding their global coverage and services to meet shipper and corporate expectations.
Download which includes the chart.

Airfreight Logistics: Plane and Simple Strategies
Although high fuel costs cloud the view, airfreight forwarders still play a vital role in transportation and supply chain strategies.

Career Solutions: Learning for Life
Meet some logistics professionals who pursue continuing education to keep up with industry innovations and move ahead in their careers.


Chemical Logistics
What is the state of today's chemical logistics market? How are shippers and carriers committing to best practices? Which technology is affecting chemical logistics? Find out in this informative resource from Inbound Logistics and Chemical Week.

Latin America Logistics: A New World Venture
Thanks to the pioneering efforts of visionary 3PLs, U.S. companies are prospecting sites in Mexico, Brazil, and elsewhere as they explore new sourcing and selling opportunities.



SC PERSPECTIVES: Our Wiki, Wiki Ways
Contributing editor Robert Malone makes the case that collaborative innovation is the best way to move forward in these challenging times.

VIEWPOINT: 3PL or Freight Forwarder: What's in a Name?
Find out the differences (and increasing similarities) between third-party logistics providers and freight forwarders, as outlined by Brad Dechter, CEO of DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express, DGX-Dependable Global Express, and DAX-Dependable AirCargo Express.

READER PROFILE: Autumn Bayles Takes the Cake
As senior vice president, strategic operations, at Tasty Baking Company, Autumn Bayles mixes a heaping spoonful of just-in-time principles with the right proportion of inbound ingredients to create a recipe for sweet Tastykake success.


Armed with a powerful visibility tool, Continental Tire North America keeps watch over its trailers.

Web_Cite City

The most comprehensive directory of logistics web sites on the Internet. Organized by category and fully searchable, it's the easiest way to find logistics sites.
Search the Web_Cite City Database
To browse sites by category, click here.

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